Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July everyone! Rather than bore you with something I wrote myself, I will simply leave it at that and point you to THIS post by one of my new blogfinds Turnbaby. I think it says it a lot better than I ever could. Try not to eat TOO much. Drink all you want, but please be safe and use a designated driver. While you are there be sure to check out the rest of her site. I haven't been able to yet, but if her recent appearence on Mr. Fab's show is any indication it has to be a blast.


Anthony Rapino said...

Happy Forth!

The Ferryman said...

Turnbaby DOES rock. Plus she is totally into me. I LOVE that in a girl!

Liz Hill said...

Well Thank You!! Cool beans --so glad you like it.

LOL at Fabby

Smooch y'all