Or should I say "waiter".
For those who may be interested and haven't heard, 'waiter' from waiterrant took off the mask today. His book "Waiter rant: Thanks for the tip---confessions of a cynical waiter" is being released today. As such he has given up his anonymity.
Sure it's not like finding out who zoro really is....
It's not quite like having the mask removed and seeing Bruce wayne underneath......
or a masked wrestler having his identity finally revealed......
but for the countless readers of waiterrant over the years, including myself, it had to be at the very least a curiousity. His blog is among the first that I became a loyal reader of and one of half a dozen or so that I still read consistently to this day even though my blogging, and blog reading is much much less now than it used to be.
Rarely does he put up a new story or post that doesn't result in several people,including myself commenting that 'he should write a book'. With that being the case it is grrrrreat to see that he listened and now all his hard work has paid off in the form of getting published.
Thats a little bit hard to say after all this time. Walter, or Martin would have been my guess though I have NO idea why.
Ohhhhh,,,,,and I thought you would be older, or taller, or something.
Congrats again!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Congratulations Steve Dublanica???
Posted by
12:41 PM
smart assed replies
Friday, June 20, 2008
have you seen this story?
There isn't a lot in this world that shocks me anymore but this one I have to say did so. Wow is all I can say. These girls are in for quite the rude awakening imho.
Posted by
10:06 PM
smart assed replies
Friday, June 06, 2008
For those who have asked
First of all , I would like to offer my thanks to those who have occasionally popped in to the blog, or at times through email and asked some version of "are you okay" or something to that effect. I am pretty sure that I answered all those emails, but just in case one fell through the cracks, I do appreciate the concern. That said, there is really nothing to be concerned about. I am doing just fine. Thankfully, there hasn't been any kind of illness or life altering event that has prevented me from writing or anything like that. I guess I can best splain it by saying that whatever bug bit me a few years ago and made me start this thing, post regularly, and do other writing on the side quit biting for a good while.' I suppose some people would describe this as 'writers block' but I never have believed in that and probably never will. Anywhoo, thanks again for the concern but there really isn't anything to be concerned about. I am fine.
Am i doing 'Just normal' ? ummmm NO not on your life, but let's face it, I haven't been much of 'normal' since I was like 3 and this very odd, very dry, very dorky sense of humor of mine started to kick in.
Does this mean I will start posting again on a regular basis? Who knows? I don't like to make promises that I don't fully intend to keep so I will stop wayyyyyyy short of saying anything close to that effect. I DO feel like i am starting to 'get into' the whole writing thing again if very slooooowly at times, so who knows.
Again, thanks again for your concern, and more than that my apologies for anyone who may have been worried about me for one reason or another. Most of the comments were quite humbling, and all of them were and are appreciated.
Posted by
5:23 AM
smart assed replies
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
recently overheard
Server: "Are you about ready to order or do you need a few minutes?"
Guest: "I think I am ready."
Server: (pulling out her handy dandy order pad)"Okay I am ready when you are"
Guest: "I think I will have the chicken dinner."
Server: "Ma'am would you like the three piece chicken dinner or the 5 piece?"
Guest: "What's the difference?"
Server: (looking confused) " Ummmm.......two pieces"
Fortunately she stopped just short of saying "duh"
Posted by
10:26 PM
smart assed replies
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Happy D.A.C. everyone!
The real holiday is finally here.
Call me a scrooge if you must, perhaps it is true.
Accuse me of not being in 'the spirit' if you like, we shall agree to disagree.
Now life can go back to normal for a year at least.
No more waiting in line for 15 minutes every time I run into the store.
No more thinking, 'Man I can't afford to get them something' moments
No more, "I give up i have no idea what to get them" moments.
No more ' damn they got me something' moments.
No more ' Thats who I forgot!" V8 moments
No more, "Aw man I got them something and they didn't get me anything, I hope they dont feel bad cause they reallllllly shouldn't" moments.
No more, "Don't I feel like an ass for not getting them anything' moments.
No more songs about reindeer and how shiny and red their nose is.
No more songs about poor defenseless grand mothers getting run over by reindeer(who were probably too busy looking at their nose and wondering what the big deal is.
I don't know who the hell Jack frost is, but if he ever comes nipping at my nose there may be a problem.
What is it about christmas and noses anyways?
Yes my friends, the reall holiday is here. The day after christmas.
Hope everyone has a great one!
All joking aside, I hope everyone had a merry and safe christmas and a super happy new years.
Posted by
10:29 PM
smart assed replies
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Where is all the fun?
Is it really almost December already? I was walking around walmart shortly after halloween and heard my first Christmas song playing over the loud speaker. Call me a grinch, but I beleive I said out loud something along the lines of "what the F@#@!"
It is hard to believe that thanksgiving is this week, Christmas is just around the corner, and before you know it it will be freaking 2008? REally? Already?
Wasn't it just yesterday we were all hearing about that big Y2k scare?
Computers are going to crash.
Medical equipment will just stop working.
Bank computers will screw everything up and all our money will dissappear.
Gas station computers will mess up and Gas will go for $3 a gallon!
Whew! glad none of THAT happened!
They say time flies when you are having fun. I guess I must be having a blast, but dont seem to recall a hell of a lot of fun occuring.
Speaking of christmas how would you like to get one of THESE?
I don't know what the official name of these things are. hairless sphinx cat I think?
Wow, do people really own these things? Not to say thats one ugly mo-fo, but I think every pekignese dog around the world, yoda, and ET just started feeling much better about themselves.
-I don't know why people tell me stuff. I used to think it was because I was a bartender and 'people just tell their bartenders anything'. However I haven't worked behind a bar in well over a year but people still feel this need to share things with me that make me want to cut my ears off with a dull butter knife.
Hope you all have a great turkey day, even if you are one of the 48 billion customers that come through our doors on Thanksgiving day.
Posted by
11:36 PM
smart assed replies
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Jason is at it again
Posted by
11:39 PM
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